Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving morning thoughts

I can't help feeling like a little kid answering a question written on the chalkboard in elementary school just before Thanksgiving break by writing this post today, but that's okay. It's really just a matter of coincidental timing, to be honest.

I am thankful for my family. We don't always see eye to eye, but they have been there for me through thick and thin. I should have given them more credit and appreciation over the years, and I regret that I haven't. Despite that, my eyes are wide open now to how lucky I am to have them in my life.

My mom and my sister, no matter how tired they get of hearing about it or seeing me with that look on my face like someone just shot my puppy, they continue to reiterate the true key points that are easy to forget at a time like this; the things that I need to hear and be reminded of.

I am also thankful for my friends. I've realized that I really am a lucky guy. They may be upwards of 1,500 miles away, but they care and two in particular have really been there for me in recent days.

Christine will message me on Facebook several times a day, and ask how I'm feeling, and has been asking me a lot of questions. She actually wants to know more about the situation so she can really help and give me some perspective. In this day and age especially, most people just wait for the chance to speak because they are so self-absorbed. Christine actually listens, and wants to help.

My friend Brian, who has been my best friend for almost 19 years now, he's been on the phone with me everyday the last few days, listening to me, trying to make me laugh, and trying to help me look towards the future. He recognizes all the progress I've made in making myself a better, healthier and more stable person and has encouraged me to keep going. And much like Christine, he has taken a great interest in my situation and asked a lot of questions about it which consequently has made him able to make some very valid points that are easy to overlook and forget in times of heartache.

Some of the points my friends and family have been making are things I already knew, points I have mentioned in this blog myself over the last few days, and they have been more than happy to reinforce those points as clear warning signs that should of been considered from the beginning. But others are things I never even realized or thought of; things I have completely forgotten or overlooked. It's been really helpful, and I can't help feeling so lucky to have these people in my life.

Christine has a family engagement coming up within the next few weeks or so, coincidentally in Port Saint Lucie, and we are going to hang out a bit while she's down here. I am really looking forward to that. And though it may be a while, Brian intends to come down to Florida to go to Disney World with his family and wants to get together while he's down here too, so that should be fun as well.

I am now going to go take a shower and get ready to go be with my family who really do love me, care about me and want nothing but the best for me; who want me to steer clear of anything and everything that is unhealthy for me, as hard as that reality may be to accept sometimes.

I really am a lucky guy.

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