Sunday, November 2, 2014

Message to self:

Get your fucking head together. You're losing it. You're slipping. You're on the edge of the point of no return. The walls are narrowing. You're barely functioning. Anyone could do what you're struggling like fuck to. Do you want to be like this for the rest of your life or do you want to be a confident, and fully FUNCTIONING member of society with friends and a life? Someone who can talk to people. The way you once could in another time and place now forgotten by all except you. Someone Jen could really be proud of. Not someone who sits in bed and forces her to watch RETARDED fucking network TV bullshit shows all weekend!

So, a final plea from the old Dan crying out in the dark and treacherous depths of your mind now swallowed up by cobwebs in this pathetic microcosm of a life that you've fashioned for yourself..