Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Jenn, I didn't want you to stop responding.

I finally had some sort of dialogue going with Jenn. It wasn't going great, but it was a dialogue. And after maybe a dozen or so emails back and forth, I got paranoid that I was irritating her, so I said goodbye at the end of one of my emails. She responded back to that email, which I wasn't expecting because I felt certain that she just wanted me to stop. However, I couldn't help the urge to respond back to THAT email. So, I noted at the bottom of my response that I wasn't trying to be annoying by responding back after having just said goodbye in my last message. Stupidly, I also said that I wasn't expecting her to respond back after I said goodbye, and she apparently took it the wrong way as if I didn't want her to reply back anymore. All I meant was that was that while I didn't want to be annoying, I just can't help myself in replying to her, even if I had just previously said goodbye. I figured she wanted her response back at that point to be the end of the dialogue, and that by replying back yet again I was getting on her nerves. Perhaps I was wrong, and worrying about nothing. But she seems to of taken it the wrong way, and now isn't responding to me. I was just trying to be courteous and explain that I didn't want to annoy her by continuing on. Whenever she emails me, I can't not respond back. I just can't. Even if she says "take care" or "goodbye" at the end. I just can't help myself. I want to keep the dialogue going. I don't want it to end. When I said I didn't expect her to reply back and apologized for sending yet another email, that was all I meant. I didn't want her to stop.

Jenn if you read this, please understand that I didn't want to stop talking to you.

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